
The game also featured one of the most generic and unimaginitive protagonists ever created for a videogame. So much so that I kept wishing the Dwarf hunter guy was the playable character.

Gabby Giffords and Jo Cox - two women who were brutally attacked while serving their respective communities by gun wielding alt-right cowards, and this conservative fuckboy snowflake has the nerve to snivel about violent leftist elements while he cowers behind his imagined moral high ground. What a piece of shit.

Oh come off it. If they were professionals they wouldnt be working for pewdipie.

I don’t care how many dongs this game has, I’m not playing a Conan game where I play some jabrone who isn’t Conan.

I loved it. It was weird and cheesy in a wonderful way and it was a pretty solid space combat sim to boot.

Haha. She can barely disguise her seething contempt for the ordinary working people.

She will do whatever it takes to keep her stay in No.10 as long as possible and absolutely nothing else.

Yeah, and here in the UK backbenchers were trying to get us out of the EU for decades.

Nah, if that was the case, Assange would have been kicking it in Ecuador years ago.

But when you have the best words, why would you ever use other, less luxurious, not-classy, low energy words?

Why? If such a thing as ‘God’ exits, it would function on scales and timelines beyond our comprehension. This is inconvinient for us, but the universe doesnt exist for our convinience.

Either a master troll or a guy huffing his own farts by the lungful. Can’t tell which.

I like to think he’s an orphaned shape-shifting alien who has never met its own kind and is trying desperately but failing badly to fit in with the humans all around it.

Man, we have no room to cast stones after the clusterfuck that was brexit. My sympathies.

I don’t know. I can’t think of a more fitting defeat for misogynistic Trump than him getting his dick kicked off by a woman in a competition for the most politically muscular job in the world.

Don’t get me started on that rancid, ghoulish cunt. He criticized Obama for having an opinion on the referendum and swore he’d never interfere in another country’s election. The very next words out of his fucked-up face were criticisms of Clinton and the claim that you couldn’t pay him to vote for her.

I think they are genuinely deluded. Thats the impression I got after listening to their phone call with Jim Sterling.

The outrage over the hipster waxed ‘stache has rendered the haters speechless