
Not to have an actual feeling or anything, but at times where it feels like all of the Earth’s leaders are shitty, I go back to Chaplin’s “The Great Dictator” speech.

Do you think you’d notice some sketchy guys in a Crown Vic tailing you all the way home?

Are you unfamiliar with the concept of a corndog?

I'm surprised some annoying dude off camera wasn't talking the whole time.

For anyone in need of support:

I have been worried about this as well. All the worst have been out in force...and despite them saying it was never about Zoe the first time around (always was bullshit), they seem beyond ready to harass her and blame her again.

The people who would do such a thing were never fans of the game in the first place. The themes are the tonal opposite of what they stand for. Sadly, hypocrisy hasn’t stopped them before.

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Ugh, now I’m curious.  I’m not going to look, though.

Yup.  It’s already happening.  While there will always be insightful, intelligent commenters who languish in the greys for a hell of a lot longer than they should, there are just as many bottom-feeding rage-addicted goobers looking for any excuse to offer fallacy-laden bullshit as “proof” of their awful worldview.

As with all things sensitive like this, avoid the greys. People will use any event to spread their abuse and hate, even something like this. Ignore them.

Do people find this sort of thing inspiring? Just rest and recover you fucking lunatic, you are not that indispensable, nor is telling a bunch of guys chasing a ball around what to do worth it.

They took a risk on a talented player...and cut him when it looked like it wasn’t working out.

Whether it’s canon or not, I kinda feel like it should be. I’m not sure Joker is a viable villain if he’s just some crazy guy. He’d be long dead. Supernatural makes it a bit more interesting. And explains why he’s an unstoppable force.

Well, currently there’s three Jokers. I don’t think that’s been explained yet by Johns. I’m assuming it’s in part the same thread Snyder started with Endgame.

They’re a hurricane away from becoming the San Antonio Something’s. Just sayin’...

I have yet to go to New Orleans, but everyone i know who has been has told me that its only good for the food and strippers. you know where else you can get that combo? Montreal - and you don’t have to sweat your balls off to go there. 

1. I want to congratulate Allison on the upcoming finalization of her divorce.

Most women knew, just no men were willing to pay attention to them.

I never said it was the only component to its success.  But it absolutely is a key core component that sets it apart from other BR games.  It's literally one of the first things people think of when they think of Fortnite BR.