
This is shameful. The GOP has effectively painted Planned Parenthood as an organization that only exists to hand out abortions at will. The GOP politicians knows that this is a lie but they do not care, they stay on message. They do not deviate from that message until the message is reflected into the laws of the

You are giving Tyra way too much credit.

Kanye will never get another AOTY nomination. Ever since he interrupted Taylor Swift’s speech at the MTV awards, the academy does not recognize his albums for the big award.

seriously. considering the topic of Kara’s post, this thread in particular is a fucking joke.

i was a supporter on the conference call. he reminded us of how good he is at organizing. after a much needed vacay, he will be fired up & ready to go again. he wants to build a new generation of political leaders and work on Dem grassroots. he’s not done.

“I’ve watched The Prestige enough times to know what magic really is—a combination of illusion, salesmanship, mystery, spectacle and, in this modern era, expert video editing. David Blaine does all these things well and also happens to be a con artist, braver and more bizarre than most of his peers.”

Trump says stop it but names white supremacist Steve Bannon as his Chief Strategist???? ok Trump, I’m sure they will stop it.

A tape of Trump saying that word won’t change anything. By now folks are either in with him, out with him. People know exactly what they are getting by voting for him.

that’s basically where I am with it. once i read it was a TIDAL “exclusive” my question was why are folks outraged? jayz & beyonce have their names ALL over TIDAL. it only makes sense that they knew about this. I responded positively to Formation and Lemonade. A lot of folks were damn near ready to crown Formation as

Vulture podcast did an interview with her and she said that although she feels that the first season told an entire story, she is thinking about what season 2 would look like. she is specifically thinking about what happens to her character when she goes home and wakes up the next day. so there is a chancewe might get

Tyra is absolutely a narcissist, no doubt about it. ANTM was never about the aspiring models, Tyra knew damn well the fashion industry wouldn’t accept girls from a reality show. That show was a springboard for her talk show.

I remember this and perhaps Tyra expected Naomi to fall into a puddle of tears which of course didn’t happen. But by the end of the interview Naomi gave Tyra an apology. I don’t understand Tyra, this was ages ago. 

fa sho.

Julia Roberts is insufferable and anytime she steps on a stage to present an award she manages to make it all about her. But her long standing crush/obsession with Denzel is just embarrassing.

wow! I know I’m becoming more of a softie as i get older but this was amazing. I teared up and I HATE crying at work!

no washcloth for the body?

I remember that! Joe’s smug ass was actually kinda hurt which made it even better. I remember Zbigniew I instructing Joe to “stop being so sensitive!”. I used to hate watch that show but I really enjoyed that moment.

OWN has an app, that is how I was able to watch Greenleaf every week. I think the OWN app doesn’t have the new episodes available until the next day after it airs on cable but that’s ok, I’m willing to wait. I can’t wait to watch this show. I have been waiting for it.

yes, Baz is a beast...a very curious crazy manic colorful fascinating beast. there are times during that 1st ep that just but there are moments in that series, particularly the music, dance, club scenes that are damn near magical. I get chills just thinking about it. I finished the series last weekend,

Same Ol’ Mistakes by Rihanna from her Anti album. it is a remake though, the original song is by an artist named Tame Impala. I’m not very familiar with his music but it’s a pretty good song.