This is my favorite thread because of all these Prince gifs!
This is my favorite thread because of all these Prince gifs!
Not only did he lie about the whole CO thing but he completely jacked another man's identity! There is a real Rick Ross who had a pap smurf beard and was a notorious drug dealer, I don't understand it either.
B.I.G Krit probably has one of the best mixtape catalogues of any rapper out right now. He is truly a descendant of Outkast, Organized Noize he is so amazing that it almost hurts because I don't think his major releases have matched the beauty of his mixtapes.
I actually really love J. Cole and I think his latest album is probably his most cohesive, but beat wise, it would behoove him to outsource producers. Don't get me wrong, he's not bad at it, he's actually good at making beats BUT that's where it stops. I imagine him rhyming over a DJ Premier beat and my heart…
Please no, I've been trying to forget! And I absolutely love rihanna. Well i have loved her since she released Good Girl Gone Bad. I have no love for her before that....but SOS and Unfaithful were cute though.
I don't know much about the Kardashians so I can't really speak to what Khole can bring. But Ne Ne Leakes...dear gawd NO! She's a damn tyrant and I'm so sick of her shucking and jiving playing up the sassy black woman role. And lets be honest, if you're gonna host the fashion police, your personal wardrobe should…
Well given that he publicly dissed Beck what's the fault in giving a public apology?
I'm right there with you. Uptown Funk is making me reconsider cause ain't nothing like a Morris Day throwback. But before that song, I always felt his lyrics and songs were way too saccharine and just damn annoying. The only other song I like by him is Walked Out Of Heaven but that's mostly cause it's a ripoff of The…
She's so adorable!
Sita, girl, go the f**k off! I have been dipping in and out of work meetings applauding you & bloodsweatSNOWLADY cause these folks are so blinded by their Kanye hatred that they are straight up posting fraudulent comments. I wish they would just admit that they want him to be a good little boy and be grateful & humble…
I love her too. But her crew doe...their ad libs were hilarious!
Please do! Is it bad that the only thing I'm looking forward to this Valentine's Day weekend are reviews of 50 Shades of Grey? Cause that's all I want!
I see you been holding it down Sita!
Those people are so pretentious and ridiculous. Especially considering how much rap and r&b influenced a lot of Beck's earlier work. He took sounds and elements of those genres & created something interesting but the influence can't be denied.
I love it when people ride for Yeezy's artistry. There aren't many of us left so I gotta show support!
yaaaassss! Thanks so much for pointing it out to me. Can't believe I missed it!
ne-yo is talented and the man can write a beautiful song but I wish he would just give them all to Mario instead of keeping them for himself; Mario is a far better singer.
I wanted to love HoC. My friends and my boss love the show. By the time I started watching it S2 was already available on Netflix. So I watched all of S1 and I actually watched a good chunk of S2 before I skipped to the final episode. I just couldn't take it anymore. I got so upset with the show and so annoyed at how…
I agree that Maslany has been robbed for far too long. But I disagree with you about the winner. In in a match up against Davis, I have to say- Viola got this, she deserved this win. HTGAWM is silly but also very sexy and entertaining. Viola's acting elevates the material and the performances of all the other actors…