Wait wait wait - Kylie finally dumped Tyga? Oh man, I have been waiting for that. Thank god she didn’t get pregnant.
Wait wait wait - Kylie finally dumped Tyga? Oh man, I have been waiting for that. Thank god she didn’t get pregnant.
“Officials at the university estimate that it’ll cost about $3,000 to exhume and rebury each body, at a total cost of $21 million. The university is now considering an alternative plan in which it’ll do the work in-house, at a cost of $400,000 per year over the course of eight years.”
I have so many thoughts about this. I have been obsessed for months, like I havent been obsessed with a soap since the hey days of Days of Our Lives and Carrie punching out Sami and marrying Austin instead.
Lala is so annoying when she tries to speak like she’s street or something.
I suppose if you’re indoctrinated into thinking women are responsible for original sin, then it’s not a leap to think that all women are inherently evil and shouldn’t be left to make their own decisions.
I wonder what’s going to happen when communities lose all that revenue from tickets. I assume that eventually when they take over, self-driving cars won’t be able to speed, etc.
Have any of them ever had a gap in coverage and a sick child? They so clearly have no clue what they are even doing.
My grandma grew up on a farm. Vinegar cleans and cures everything.
“Women who Work”? You mean just “women”?
Oooo, Michael died? I might start watching again.
I would be too afraid of sunburned nipples.
The consistent retreat of religious people from civil society over the past decades can’t be a good thing.
Great. he’ll be the first to give up his health insurance so when he has a heart attack he can negotiate his rate with the paramedics and the doctor before they provide him with treatment. Because the “free market” works so well.
It’s almost as if their complete disregard for presenting “fair and balanced” coverage of news events permeated their culture to the point where their executives were using their platform to promote their preferred culture of deeply misogynistic and racist tendencies, with a complete disregard for the rule of law or…
I bet this was a producer decision, not Kelly’s.
Remember when Sasha Baron cohen spilled dirt on his tuxedo at a red carpet event?
I don’t know but I miss Rhonda. I get why they killed her (to open up storylines for Andre), but I find him boring without her. Ghost Rhonda and Cookie taking a bat to all of Licious’s shit were my favorite parts of the season.
I can’t really judge because I will probably end up watching at least one episode of all of them.
I think it feeds into this fetish for being a strong man that his supporters buy into. People like to imagine they can totally dominate someone else. That’s not how life typically works unless you’re a total asshole, in business or personal relationships.
I like how her being reasonably prepared like every other candidate in the last 30 years was an “unfair advantage.” She could just never win with those people.