

Vill du prata så kan du hitta mig


Thank “god” it doesn’t help anymore.

Kelly the politician is a hard on without a pussy to go to.

Set your sights higher than a korean at the winter olympics.

The forbidden fruit of Pyonchang.

Wrong place, wrongtime..I’m depressed, do you want to talk?

That’s not what the 80/90’s said

hence the gray beard

The ceremonial hamster will be flushed after the vowes at 12 sunday.

The ceremonial hamster will be flushed after the vowes at 12 sunday.

metoo if that picture is really them

Pretty much every politician has been around 50 years

He doesn’t know what he is. Questioning your faith is a good thing

Trump: I guess regulations said we should have life boats

John Kelly’s legacy: 40 years of service to end up as a part if the human centipede
