
First three thoughts while reading this:

@Tiger-Fever: I think the real problem is that no one cares about Microsoft compared to how much they care about Apple.

"Other, non titillating tidbits"

Bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad idea.


Epic win!

@tomsomething: Ya there is a certain something about them isn't there.

Am I the only one who immediately thought this could be a bad idea?

@canyoncarver: This is why you never deal with the manufacturer directly. Had you bought it through Amazon you probably wouldn't have had this trouble. I bought a WD drive, it was DOA and I returned it to Amazon free of charge the very same day. They even shipped me a new one. No questions asked, no hassle.

@Kaiser-Machead: Ya I agree with you about those ones. I kind of forgot about them haha. Mostly I'm thinking about the banner ads. Right now there's a dell one on the left of the page and I only looked at so I could type it into my response. :P

I don't know anything about this product and have no interest in it, but I do know one thing:

@Kayno: Hardly! Might I refer you to the insane coverage of WWDC10?

Neat idea, but to be honest how annoying are advertisements really? I don't even notice the ads on websites unless they are flashing or something. Out of the hundreds of thousands of ads I have seen in my lifetime, there have maybe been one or two that have influenced me to buy something.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: Unless we are all missing something very subtle, I don't see how having advertisements around us is going to result in a huge economic mess.