Geo-Location is not character development. All I remember about Gambit: Throws cards. Has staff. With Rogue. Was a leader of a gang of thieves. Joined X-men. Says “mon ami” a lot. I don’t really remember him taking a position other than trying to woo Rogue.
Mark Hamill isn’t Lucasfilm.
He didn’t disagree, he just thought it was very different from whatever he’s spent the last 35 years idealizing.
I’m thinking he is their James Gunn. A filmmaker with a voice who sees eye to eye with the top brass.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn to him now.
It looks like the most generic sub-Blomkampian bullshit you’ll ever scrub through on Netflix in a drunken early Saturday morning haze. If it’s an endangered species it deserves to die.
Did we really need to get rid of the original Ms.Frizzle? If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.
Keep in mind also that all the Netflix shows ARE ABC Studios productions, even if they aren’t broadcast on ABC.
This this this! This article is factually incorrect. People flipped out because there was a a shortage... thinking she just wasn’t made. People were just buying them all. I was one of those people that bought a 6 inch Rey with no mask. They made more and that was that.
Yep. They wanted to keep boys from playing with female action figures so bad, they put Rey in the very first wave of The Force Awakens toys.
No. There were Rey action figures in the first series of both the 6" and 3.75" The Force Awakens waves (with her face uncovered). She wasn’t short packed either.
The problem wasn’t that Hasbro wasn’t making Rey figures, it’s that stores couldn’t keep Rey on shelves. In my area, Rey was initially a peg warmer and Kylo…
Remember when Obama botched the Wilderness Campaign of 1864?
Remember when Obama let the Germans bomb Pearl Harbor?
Member when Obama just sat in that kindergarten classroom while the twin towers were under attack? Pepperedge Farm remembers.
Best way to keep bread fresh is stick it in the fridge.
How is this article not just this image?