
I never liked how that ending relied on changing Kevin Spacey's characters MO. It onpy works because it changes the killer's motivations. His whole thing was to kill people he deemed to embody each sin, but when he tries to force Mills into becoming wrath Mills doesn't earn the same punishment as the other sinners.

Genetic diversity is introduced by the males within the population and spontaneous mutations (they have a very short generation time) although a given population over a small number of generations can be considered near clonal

I had a student in a genetics class answer a question by talking about a rooster selfing. Not sure about the mechanics of how that would work.

As someone who studies C. elegans, that is what I think of when I hear "selfing", as would most geneticists. What else could anyone think it means? :) Some new selfie fad? Worms can't hold a camera!

ACIV was the first assassins creed I played, and I didn't even know you could move in the loading screen. It shows up for only a second (running off an ssd).

Come back when they have perfected the Tomeato.

Technically also all federal services must be available in either language, and you often see dual labels in other places, but it is not necessary. And New Brunswick is entirely bilingual, but the anglo majority provinces are allowed all kinds of signs.

Quebec has language laws meant to keep French prominent. English can only be on signs if it smaller than the French. The rest of Canada can have signage in any language, although food must be bilingually labelled.

More appropriately:

I think you are right that he is both. Looking that up, I learned that a high ranking military officers servant is called a batman (or batwoman).

Don't tease me with a picture of Zuckuss at the top if the article doesn't mention him! I can't take that kind of disappointment. (Please note my avatar)

Perfect 15. Easy.

I thought it was his first name initially too, but he gets called Mr. Cooper a few times and Murph is referred to as Murphy Cooper at one point. Plus his spacesuit says Cooper on it, and the other astronauts have last names on their suits. So the grandson must be Cooper Cooper, I suspect the Nolans were just being

I think the love stuff can be perceived as metaphorical, a way for the characters to perceive and depict the concepts at play in the movie. My major nitpick was that I am 99% certain Cooper's grandson is named Cooper Cooper (paratroopa?).

The correct answer to the question "who?" in the top pic is the following:

It's the reality for playing a lot pf older games on newer pc's. You are right though, that the fixes vary depending on your system, but personally, I had less trouble with getting Dark Forces 2 running on Windows 8 then Bioshock which isn't even that old.

Dark forces 2 can run on modern systems with a little bit of effort. Although it doesn't play the music soundtrack, but it is otherwise completely playable.