
oh, how 'bout Banhammer? ^^

Yay, I'm happy Micro-Bash stuck. =)

I vote for Hadoken

Does anyone know is Auslogic does file placement optimization or does simply defrag files?

wow, that was fast! thanks Tom! ^^

arg! I step away from my computer for a couple of hours and this is what I missed?! Would someone please send me an invite?

yay! I guess it's time to tag my 260Gb library...

@cheesecake000: I wish I had ordered one back then. I didn't really know if the game was going to be good or not and didn't want to shell out for a DS if the game turned out to suck, even though the DS is pretty sweet. IIRC, they also had a little stuffed Mr. Mew as a preorder gift.

wasn't this the special edition It's A Wonderful World DS they release over in japan when the game came out?

Happy birthday Mini-Bash! ^o^

This is pretty neat but I'd really like would be something like Dexrex that you could run off your own server, that way you don't have to depend on someone else.

I suggest we call it Micro Bash until Bash and Mrs. Bash come up with a better name for it =P

I'm thinking Steve Jobs read that post of yours, the one where you're wondering if you should buy an iPhone. He read that and decided to follow you around, waiting for the perfect moment to steal your current phone, leaving you no choice but to go and buy and iPhone. Yes, that's what I'm thinking...

The article is somewhat confusing for people that don't really know what chiptune is (a big chunk of the NYT readership, methinks). Using bits of sounds from soundchips in gabber music is just another way to made their sound more distorted, discordant and grainy (read: more annoying) whereas chiptune artists use the

VOTE: Nod32

Holy crap, I think I just wet my pants! I'm soooo importing this when it comes out. I mean, rocking out to some kick-ass j-rock? Awesome! Hopefully they're going to include some good bands like Asian Kung-Fu Generation, The Pillows, Acidman and Cornelius.

Maybe I'm just dumb but I can't seem to get it to open up in the sidebar. I've checked the little box in the bookmark's properties but it still opens in a tab. Could it be because of my TabMix Plus settings?

I just tried it and it's pretty useful. I still use meebo for my chatting needs but for those that are constantly connected to Facebook, like a needle in a junkie's arm, the new chat function is pretty sweet.