
The choice to have the Aemond actor look at least 20 years older than the Luke actor made that harder for me to buy Aemond’s reaction. If they both looked like the teenagers the characters are (I’m pretty sure Aemond’s like 18/19?) it’d be waymore understandable. Instead it looked like a grown man getting way too mad

Yeah Luke was being a brat there - Aemond wasn’t without justification for feeling annoyed. 

Why do you keep calling him Frog man when even in the video you linked, they call him Leap Frog?

I wouldn’t Grantham parole either.

This is sad. The new cast on AOTS is SO damn good. They fit so well and have such great chemistry. Kassem is especially noteworthy in regards to the chemistry he has with Fiona and Kevin

It’s not straight up amnesia. It’s swiss cheese brain.  The leaper loses chunks of memory, not all. It’s like browning out after a bender.

That footage of Wong and Madisynn appears to be from yesterday’s episode so I don’t think we’re getting any more of them this season, but I could be wrong. I would watch a spin-off of those two.

That would be alphanumeric!

Not the Reboot reboot I wanted to hear about.

I wasn’t going to bother engaging with them, but everything you’ve said is spot on. I’m glad you added this to the conversation.

Can you MRM snowflake more? Men fucking “hulk out” in their everyday lives constantly, often with deadly results. Society (and media as reflection of that) lionizes and teaches that men are dominant, need to be protectors and warriors, not take shit, and that consequently violence can be an answer to their feelings of

I liked the building tension during her training. She thinks Bruce is jealous that she’s hulking better than him, but during the stone thing he literally launches one in to orbit.

“Are you bummed about the Batgirl movie being scrapped and all those other quality shows being pulled or cancelled on HBO Max by the big wigs at Time Warner in preparation for the merger with Discovery+? Well, here’s something to cheer you up!”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! All you need to know this show is going to be great is to see the “gusto” with which Maslany sells that joke!!! If She-Hulk is 9 eps of scenes like this, it will be one of the best MCU shows!

My hope is that WBD expects to offset the residual costs by licensing these series to other SVOD platforms. It may or may not make financial sense for them to stream the shows on HBO Max, but it makes absolutely zero sense to sit on a number of beloved properties when their rights could still be exploited elsewhere.

Wakanda did establish a school in Oakland.

I’m guessing the second option.

Yeah, that seems really long. I could very well be wrong but perhaps the show is going to be 18 episodes over three seasons.

We never actually see what happens with Killmonger’s body. What you’re thinking of are his last words, which made for a sledgehammer of an exit: “Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors that jumped from ships, because they knew death was better than bondage.”

Daredevil originally had a yellow and red costume, which D-Man took inspiration from. Given from the Billy clubs we clearly see, I'd say that's our boy Matt