
No mention of Anti-Beth? Shame!

What, no mention of Anti-Beth (aka Sarah)?

“Thinks about mom”

If I’m not mistaken he also has a home in Scotland.

I made this quickly after his reveal image for Gotham back in 2014...

He could have had prior commitments like conventions that he simply couldn’t have gotten out of in the necessary time needed to film the scene.

He’s not persona non grata. He had a cameo in season 12 and appeared in the 2021 New Year’s special. All the stuff about his behavior had already been out by then.

Yeah they only got that goofy little short about them not being in the 50th, too.

So, Starman but as a comedy?

If this is the way we actually get an officially-made non-custom Green Ninja costume, I might actually buy that and just custom an extra Tommy head.

So dumb. They couldn’t even make the Sam a smaller figure (she’s not as tall as her pops). They just popped her head on a Kimberly/Kat body (granted with a new coin). Same for Daniel. Just a Tommy body with a new head and coin.

They’re likely testing the waters, like they did with the Street Fighter crossovers. But the 2 new ones they put up for preorder actually made me cancel my Ryu and Chun-Li preorders, they were so bad (and had no connection to source material, as only Ryu and Chun-Li had morphed forms)

Hell, I provided a bulleted list lol.

These toys are the cheap-o ones. The Marvel Legends Ironheart certainly looks better, but they’re trying to merge her current suit with Iron Man’s here, and by that, I mean the Ultimate Iron Man, and that wasn’t a good looking suit.

Oh yeah... Outlawed. That was...a thing.

Yep, there was no crossover on either team. You could argue Patriot joined the Champions, but it wasn’t Eli Bradley under the mask so I don’t count that.

The Champions—later known as the Young Avengers

a stray laser beam from the sentient energy creature from the start of the episode catches both the Doctor and the Master

Believe that none of the X-Con guys are returning for this.

Well, in the comics, she becomes a size changer like her dad, calling herself Stature.