
He said “yet.” It’s right there in the quote. At that point in the episode it wasn’t confirmed until Bruce told Jen at the hideaway.

Yes. Arenado and Goldschmidt. As a lifelong Cardinals fan (but not one of those fans), it was disheartening news.

It has also affected sports. A large number of the Kansas City Royals starting roster couldn’t travel to Toronto to face the Blue Jays because they weren’t vaxxed. Same for some Cardinals players. Likewise, unvaxxed Toronto players weren’t allowed to travel into the U.S. for games.

I’m curious to the fates of Titans and Doom Patrol. Both have their 4th seasons about to drop. Will Discovery “Batgirl” them?

Lowe wasn’t at C2E2, but this panel description reads almost exactly as the panel they had here in Chicago this past Saturday, but Ryan Stegman sat in for Lowe then.

That was like late May, right? So I think Reed announced they lifted everything around June. People who go to C2E2 grumbled about it in the Facebook groups. I know what’s ahead so I’m planning accordingly.

Nope, it’s still Winds of Winter and A Dream of Spring unless he’s announced otherwise.

Most cons have basically thrown out all of that already in 2022. Masks are recommended, but not mandatory, and proof of vaccination is no longer required. I think the last ReedPop show that did have vaccine requirements was PAX East in Boston in April, a few weeks after Star Trek: Mission Chicago, which had the

I think we’ve only got like 3 issues left (Mighty Morphin 22 (98), Power Rangers 22 (99) and Mighty Morphin 23 (100)), but I hope this little blurb doesn’t mean some sort of reset, because I’d rather keep Jason, Zack and Trini as the Omegas or just have them be civilians. We haven’t had enough time yet with Rocky,

Colbie Smulders as Maria Hill.

Ah, right. Damn, I really need to rewatch Black Panther.

So how do they do Riri? Is she Wakandan? Or maybe a recipient of a Wakandan scholarship or grant that brings her to Wakanda to study?

You could very well be right. But since they’re not shying away from the comedy side of things here, I’d like to think it could be D-Man.

Another question we’re left with is who does end up taking the mantle of Black Panther? We see Okoye, Nakia, Shuri and even Ramonda lingered on for many moments in the trailer that it makes me wonder.

Didn’t T’Challa drop Killmonger’s body off of a cliff into the ocean at the end of Black Panther though?

but also a new ally for Jen and her cousin Bruce: Matt Murdock, aka the Man Without Fear: Daredevil.


That’s the correct run lol. This run that’s about to end kinda fell flat. They wanted to tell the story of the initial war and its leadup, but it hasn’t been very good.

I find the lack of Noob-Noob distressing. God daaaa.........

Man, those suits look far too much like Marcelo Costa’s designs for Radiant Black/Radiant Red for me to not think that they were “borrowed” and turned into armor. It’s like they said “let’s take that and Iron Man it up.”