
It’s so stupid, and actually flies in the face of what was set up, and stinks of Paramount/WB meddling.

I was just about to say something similar! Get Yvonne in there and make them the kids of Chuck and Sarah!

The holster is basically a nod to the comics. Specifically the Princess Leia miniseries:

One of the better nods to that dodgy animation was the flipping of the cels at the end where Chakotay and Tuvok’s uniforms (and even Chakotay’s tattoo) are mirrored lol.

I spent the summer before and first few weeks of third grade on the IN set for the Rockford Peaches field (I was a glorified stunt double for the bratty Stilwell character and the scene I did film was reshot). That this series drops on my birthday 31 years later, while I know isn’t intentional, feels like a hilarious

I think part of her neurosis is that she’s struggling with the idea of coming out to that other band girl she likes, and that pent up energy has to go somewhere when that gets sidelined in order to save the world with the gang. I’m just waiting for her to just blurt it out to either everyone or just Nancy when they

nvm someone else explained it better than I did

He did say “Some things are worse than death” or something to that effect, I’m paraphrasing. I took that to mean what if he’s constantly dying and being resurrected in a clone body, never being allowed to die? And when each clone comes out it’s slightly flawed, which leads to his appearance in Rebels.

Oh you mean the typical muscular superhero build?

hot, super fine, xenofolks...

How can you say someone is “devastatingly hot” when we’ve seen no images of their face? Without that, Death Ranger is just a typical looking Omega Ranger with a skull motif on their helmet.

I’m actually surprised that Mooney lasted as long as he did, since he was kind of there as a a package deal with Beck Bennett (from their YouTube sketches that pretty much got them on the show). He’s pretty funny, but also too awkward at times. Once Beck left, his days were numbered. 

With that Optimus Prime, does that mean they’re done with the G1 toy ornaments? I’m likely to get most of these when the “preview” happens in July.

OR They’ll do Secret Wars, and somehow it ends with all the disparate universes merged into one.

Raimi straight up pulled a Doc Ock from Spider-Man 2 moment. Having Wanda collapse the mountain on herself, destroying the thing that can destroy the multiverse. Hell, she didn’t say it, but I could practically read on her face in the final moments “I will not die a monster.”

I think my only gripe, at least major one now, is that the Illuminati of Earth-838 designated the MCU main Earth as 616. I guess that’s to make it easier for casuals who were always wondering why fans say 616, but the MCU was established in the comics as Earth-199999. If they truly wanted it to be adjacent to the

Anyone notice that Vulcans are a bit snarkier? T’Pring was kinda hilarious when Pike asked Spock if he was naked and she replied from the background “He was about to be, CHRIS.”

True, and who’s to say that Soong’s “Project Khan” notes weren’t used elsewhere in other countries before he starts it back up in earnest? 

It was a great fakeout.

It’s not all one thing. The 2nd Civil War led to the Eugenics Wars and then culminated in WWIII.