
Maybe we’ll get an adaptation of the Borg’s origins as told in the LitVerse’s “Destiny” trilogy, with the Caeliar?

The first Spider-Man soundtrack introduced me to a host of artists that I still listen to to this day. It even had Stone Sour before it was Stone Sour (people seem to forget “Bother” was originally just billed as by Corey Taylor). I was also introduced (as I think many were) to Theory of a Deadman through this

It just felt so rushed. It didn’t have the run time of a special, it had the run time of a random episode. It felt like scenes had been cut in order to shave the run time down. We get that mini exposition dump at the broken statue/prison form and the next thing Dan is off with the avenging son chasing the Queen and 13

Yep, this.

I’m always gonna be biased towards League of Their Own because of the summer I spent on set when I was a kid. I was a glorified stunt double for the bratty Stilwell kid, but the one scene they shot with me was ultimately reshot in California because Southwest Indiana in the summer wasn’t summery enough for the

Jerry wasn’t announced for the panel so he was a total surprise to be at the panel. Nicest dude. I found him outside the con floor and got a picture with him. Asked him (and later McMahan) on the floor if they’d have any Sliders references in the future. McMahan did say that there was a Stand By Me reference in this

That’s not what I was getting at. Sorry I didn’t bold the pertinent text but it was pretty clear (to most) that I meant the “same universe” part.

In order for the Enterprise D/E crew to reunite, it has to return to normal. Without restoring the timeline, there’s no Federation and as such no crew to reunite. They’d be disparate Confederation baddies with no real connection to one another.

Let’s face it, Miles was way more of a DS9 guy than he truly was a TNG guy. Most of the O’Brien family’s best stuff was on the station.

I get that today is First Contact Day and all, but this weekend, ReedPop (the folks behind New York Comic Con, C2E2 and Emerald City Comic Con, to name a few) has their inaugural annual Star Trek convention in Chicago. This feels like the kind of announcement that should have been saved for then.

Maybe? But again, the rules of the spell was that anyone not in the MCU dimension would be sent back to their originating dimension. If Sony had any brains they would have excised anything, or worked it out with Feige to work in some ADR dialogue to explain away any discrepancies. This is a case of Sony wanting to

And I’d agree with you, if they didn’t more or less say it was THAT spell, considering the purple multiversal rip across the sky.

You know how I know that Sony had no input from Feige here?

And don’t forget QuestLove and the “white guys” getting their win overshadowed by that mess.

So Leah Thompson basically gave herself a cameo because of her directing. But we also slyly got an ancestor of Worf’s adoptive parents in that panel’s Vitaly Rhozenko.

Do a Spider-Man 4 and adapt the “Renew Your Vows” story with middle-aged Peter and MJ raising a young spider-powered daughter.

Agreed. Also since this is retconning pretty much everything. John had no knowledge of monsters or hunting until after Mary died. Hell, he knew nothing about the Men of Letters or his legacy status. Whatever he learned from Dean’s jaunts to the past, his memory was wiped. I know they’ll just handwave that away as “oh

Well, Thomas wasn’t dirty, really. Yes, he had a casual, friendly, relationship with Falcone (and you’d have to at least be cordial, lest you get yourself on a crime boss’s shit list, especially if you’re trying to be the Mayor — once you’re in office and have the power, that’s a different story). If Alfred is to be

He didn’t say he deserves more than them. He said they all deserved more than they were offered, but Sagal and West went ahead and accepted the offer.