
Ya mean this li'l fella? He's mah favrit.

Ya mean this li'l fella? I luvs him.

The sad thing about that is that the designer would have had to have cropped it out for the skybox. As a newspaper A1/Sports designer, this sort of thing is infuriating.

Did anyone else see there was no contact with that official? If he injured his shoulder, he did that his own self.

At least the Jigga Man had the sense to not use comic sans when printing the shirts.

What if the PC port was the troll and there will be a remake? Like a reverse troll?

Looks more like a Kamehameha to me.

I'm going to hazard a guess that the Chase figures for the Titans Buffy set will be Vampire Willow from Doppelgangland, Darla, Human Angel and Human Spike.

If it's attached via wireless, then it's a total liability in combat if used like astro's typically are in X-Wings. One wrong move/jostle/shot and you've got an astro head floating in space with a useless husk of a body plugged into the fighter's socket.

Nope, you forget cyborg Freiza that Future Trunks handily dispatched.

He would have been the Jetsiest Jet who ever Jet.

Umm, Man Bat was playable in Lego Batman 2: DC Superheroes.

That's just it though, the only thing that went right there was the throw from home to first to get the DP. He was lucky that the ball tagged him in the leg and he was able to get it home.

Rosenthal was slipping on the mound, getting mud in his cleats. They threw down some fresh dirt and let him scrape the mud off the bottom of his cleats.

He didn't snag it more than the ball went right into his knee when he dropped expecting it to sail over his head. He got lucky. Certainly didn't warrant the kind of celebrating he did after the outs were made.

Nope. The video shows she's not.

Nope, not an idiot here. I was just remarking on how many big words you suddenly started using once someone called you out.

Jesus, look at Captain Thesaurus over here.

They haven't outright revealed who this new Peter is running around in the Ultimate U currently, but Miles is pretty sure he's a clone. I want to agree with that notion, considering the last time we saw Peter, he was feasting in Valhalla, having earned his eternal reward. To pull him out of that would be some

There's really nothing Ultimate about the Amazing Spider-Man movies, though. Maybe, maybe the whole "Peter's dad did some secret scientific shit and former partners were pissed at him" but that's it. He wasn't killed for his secrets and Peter wasn't genetically pre-disposed to develop spider powers like in the ASMCU.