
No matter what or where, I generally always wear some form of Cardinals gear to sporting events. Especially Reds games. And, when lived there, the Astros' feeder team's games in Texas.

Bay straight up said he hated the Beetle also. The licensing thing was probably just blowing smoke.

That foul was clearly a flagrant 2 (the graphic on the screen even said as much if anyone has any reading comprehension). It was unnecessary contact and unsportsmanlike. Hansborough did nothing to earn a T, and saying that he got it for talking back to Anderson is ridiculous, because what would you do if a big guy

Please. The officiating is always a joke. Just because they're getting called on their shit by the announcers doesn't mean that Stern's gonna make them actually call shit on his precious Heat.

Trying to decide if she got the paper's name wrong as an attempt at getting back at them?

People seem to forget that the Bulls ended "The Streak." Maybe they just have the Heat's number this season.

Looks like the TV producers figured that out immediately, so they didn't show any more of her "singing," opting instead for crowd and park shots.

For 'shopping purposes.

Well, you had them all until 5. So, 4 for 5.

As a sports page designer, I'm offended about your calling out of this page.

I can't remember where the original iteration of where this design idea came from, but a guy I work with in Louisville did this jockey thing not too long ago for March Madness for the local paper. Just seems too similar too soon, like she got the idea visually from that, seeing as how she's a Louisville local.

No, tomorrow he'll say he was hacked.

Yeah, I saw him milling about the entrance before I got in line for the doors to open Friday morning and then saw him at his booth. I took pictures from about 10 feet away, didn't hear a peep out of the guy. Which, based on all the stories, seems out of character at best.

So, basically, he's sitting on a mountain of dirt over all of these people.

That's what I thought. Glad I'm not the first guy to say it

It's unfortunate because of the headline, yes. Also, this is what's known in the newspaper industry as a "pre-run." Pre-runs are things that have already gone to press days or even weeks before they have been inserted into newspapers.

I think it has to do with Faux News taking something popular that people love and using it for their own means.

Sounds like somebody riffed on "I Am the Doctor" for this particular track. There are some similarities, but different. Sounds very much like something Murray Gold would come up with, though.

How do you accidentally wedge a pylon into the accelerator?

His old podcast with Bridenstine is hilarious. As far as I know, it's still available on iTunes. Gentlemen Scumbags.