
Get back to me when it comes in a TARDIS-shaped packaging. Think the Angel: Complete Series cube or original Buffy complete series "tower" (I think it was called The Chosen Collection.). Maybe I'll just build one myself for the DVDs I already own. I could make room for the Torchwood sets also.

The Best Buy near my place in Castleton (Indianapolis) had Fifth Element blu-ray on a buy-one-get-one-free endcap, so check your local Best Buys as well. My free one was Black Dynamite.

I totally bought the Serenity. So pumped. I also got on Entertainment Earth the Masterpiece Amy Pond bust and 10th Doctor bust to join my 11th Doctor bust. I've just learned to get the geekiest items for myself, then ask for the DVDs and blu-rays from the 'rents.

I wonder how long that Serenity will be available. Regular page says they're out of stock. Did they produce more just for Black Friday?

IIRC, at the end of "Devil's Trap," there's no shadowy figure walking towards the Impala. The camera just pans to the driver of the big rig with demon-black eyes and then back to the unconscious Winchesters.

Don't forget the Loki figure! That makes it around $1,500-1,600.

It would explain why that Cogan guy looks so much like Nathan. Admittedly, I'm behind on episodes and occasionally spoil them out of a sense of curiosity and restlessness, so I haven't seen if there are more answers to the Colorado Kid yet.

Wait until NBC kills it all on their own with a too-long winter hiatus.

Also, Strax was in a future war-type situation when he was collected during A Good Man Goes to War, so I'm leaning towards this being pre-Demon's Run.

Thank you for repeating this. As a Spider-Man fan of about 19 years now, I just did not like this movie.

In the comics, he's often said, while quipping, that more often than not it's a defense mechanism. As Spidey, Peter finds himself in either absurd, hilarious, or pants-shittingly-terrrifying situations, and quipping is just his way of coping with the situation at hand.

You know, it'd help if you included this quote in the article and fixed your headline. Instead you're getting clicks because of an erroneous headline. Which is a shitty tactic to lure people in.

People really, really need to get over the "They're not dirty or ragged enough" bandwagon and actually enjoy the show.

They need to go old-school and use the teleportation effect they used in the 90s version. Man, I want that on DVD. I remember thinking when it first came on, "Christian Tessier?!? But he's a comedic teen actor! He'll suck on this!" Since I only knew Christian Tessier from You Can't Do that on Television.

Hear, hear!

I want to go to a Best Buy or a Fry's now and see if this is available on blu-ray.

Let's wait and see how many young'uns can't pick up on this.

Should someone tell him?

Watch this "silly meme" become a decent-selling book among Whedonites and Buffyphiles when it's all done. Then they'll cry out for the Angel limerick book. Mark my words. Each image is perfectly built as a book page.