
I'm not bitching about that part of it. I read solicits all the time. I'm excited that W&H will be coming to the "mothership" story. What I'm miffed about is that they're straight up saying that, "Hey, this arc that we've been dealing with for the last few months? Well, it's going to come to an abrupt conclusion, so

I think the Mayor got his cameo in Cabin in the Woods.

Oh, good to know the soul-switching robot storyline was cleared up already before the issue actually comes out. How's about a spoiler warning for those who read the comic, i09?

Yeah, Devils Due did it originally, then they went under. After that, IDW secured the rights to finish publising what was finished, and re-releasing 1-3 as a "mega" issue, and I don't think it ever actually made it to 6, did it? I think all I have is issue 5? I'll have to double-check, but I think IDW decided against

"He's filmed a pilot for Bill Lawrence, playing a character who moves in with his college aged father."

Yeah, until the publisher shit-canned it without a proper ending.

That'd be Lennie James, a.k.a. Black Jauer.

Looks like it picks up after that little Wash anthology one-shot that Patton Oswalt wrote (that I honestly wasn't too much of a fan of). Zoe revealed her pregnancy at the end of that issue.

'39 is a personal favorite of mine. I was actually pleasantly surprised when it was covered in that "Killer Queen" tribute album years ago. Ingram Hill really did it well.

I think it was a shoutout, yes, but not the exact same clip, as you seem to think TVTropes explicitly states (it doesn't, BTW). For one, not the same angle, and two, it wasn't Sarah Paulson blowing her brains out. It was a different actress.

It was a similar design, but not the logo of Over There's Fringe Division. It did look cool, though.

Peter was the man Simon sacrificed himself to get out of the amber by pushing him and taking his place.

When Broyles saw the half-eaten Red Vine, I was hoping that he'd at least crack a hopeful smile. But it's Broyles, so he wouldn't smile anyway.

He's also been pretty front and center in the recently ended storyline in Captain America and Bucky. Dealt with the Adam robot and Bill Naslund and Fred Davis, the Cap & Bucky following Steve and Bucky's disappearance in WWII.

Buffy had super-strength, but really only so much to keep her on par with vamps and demons. And until she got the scythe in season 7.

He's dead. Thor saw him feasting in Valhalla. Do you think they'd really "Buffy" Peter, rip him from Paradise?

I'm going to C2E2, and I'm going to go up to Slott, shake his hand, and personally say "Thank you" for making me care about Peter's life more than I have in recent years (pre-BND). I'd been going through the motions, marginally caring about certain storylines (Kelly's Rhino 2-parter broke my heart), but Slott has been

For Ultimate Peter, unless they screw things up, dead is dead. Thor saw Peter feasting in Valhalla with the other fallen heroes. To pull Peter out of Paradise would be a tremendous "fuck you" to a hero we all loved.

They can couple it with the ship's thrusters once it reaches a certain altitude.

Tractor beam. Suborbital craft towing it up from low Geo-synchronus orbit.