
I was going to write this, but in a less snarky manner, which would have been less fun. I guess what I’m saying is: Thank you.

What’s so fucking infuriating about this is how the media is treating it as a scandal already, when we don’t even know what’s in the emails or whether any of it should have been classified! I guess the assumption is that Huma was hiding these from the FBI for some reason?

Man, watching this video just makes me want to go shoot some hoops.


This sounds kind of like the plot of a movie I saw once.

Why does anyone participate in this sport?

And what is up with his hair?

According to ecologists, a wall would cut through the ecosystem in the southwestern United States, denying species access to their environment and destroying habitats.

I’m sure I’ve done that. Maybe not “hey” exactly but something like it. I think it’s because I’m insecure and hate awkward silences. And is there a more awkward silence than the silence right after sex? Or is that just me?

It’s unfair to criticize Dr. Stein for merely running for president, even in a tight race like this; there’s no inherent evil in making a futile attempt to dismantle the two-party system.

It looks kinda like a Mr. Meeseeks.

Oh god #1 is my personal pet-peeve.

Earlier, a troop of bitterly disappointed and occasionally crying Bernie supporters marched out of the arena, many of whom had put little pieces of tape on their mouths with the word “silenced” written on it. They brought their silent protest directly inside the media pavilion where I was working, where they proceeded

It’s things like this that make me want to strangle people who spout that Hillary-is-no-different-from-a-Republican nonsense.

I’m sorry, but this is dumb. Or at the very least, Musk’s explanation of the theory is dumb. Yeah Elon. No holes in that argument. QEfuckingD. There is no argument that super-intelligent beings somewhere wouldn’t want to develop a simulation of me pulling my hair out because I can’t take any more of these cryptic

That is just such an absurd line. A .609 OBP. Are you sure those aren’t his numbers for his senior year of high school?

Don’t the fights make it less boring though?

I don’t get it. There’s water in the bottle. What did you expect to happen?

Why does Dave Roberts hate fun?

It’s a good thing he can rely on all those houses’ loyalty then :)