Jay: lo-
Jay: lo-
The show just goes through the Dorne plot points so quickly and with so little examination of the characters, their motives, or even things like where they are in time and space. Like, where was Trystane? Was he on the ship in the harbor at King’s Landing? How did the Sand Snakes get there? How did Ellaria convince…
I think it’d be more impressive if the storyline made any sense at all.
That’s because Hillary’s supporters have no problem with voting for Bernie, or any other Democrat, because they understand that elections have consequences and voting isn’t just a personal branding exercise.
I watched the show and had not read the books until I picked them up after the end of Season 5. I just finished A Dance with Dragons a couple of weeks ago, and I’d just like to second what you wrote. Sure, it would’ve been something to read the Red Wedding chapter without knowing what was coming, but it was still…
Wow. I hadn’t read the full quote and was getting the impression that he wasn’t specifically calling Hillary a “whore” (while I still think it was an awful choice of words). But it actually seems even worse in the full context of his remarks.
It’s already booked solid through July on AirBnB.
I don’t understand, is this something users were clamoring for? Why do they need to make this change?
I’m sure her thinking is that the backlash against a failed Trump presidency would theoretically allow for more progressive candidates to sweep future elections.
Your moral superiority is noted. Thanks.
It shouldn’t, but it seems like it does mean that for a very large number of commenters on here. I doubt they make up the majority of his supporters, but they are very vocal about staying home or writing in if he isn’t the nominee, which is what drives people like me crazy.
It’s not that we’re cool with Citizens United, it’s just that we can’t overturn it until we have a Democratic president to nominate a non-batshit justice and Democrats in the Senate to confirm them. We’re not going to achieve those things if we unilaterally disarm. The Republicans sure as hell aren’t going to limit…
Having just watched the highlight video embedded here, I’m a bit confused about something. After the second A&M bucket, the score is 69-63 with 21.7 seconds left and it’s UNI’s ball. Then after a jump cut it’s 69-63 but now there are 22 seconds on the clock and A&M has the ball. How did that happen?
There are no rules. Take it if you want, don’t take it if you don’t. Fuck anyone who tells you otherwise.
Come on, that just sounds like something a grandparent would make up to tell you how much harder life was back in the day...
Nine years? That's it?
If you’re using Gmail (did Mailbox ever work for anything else?), Google Inbox is basically the same thing.
Yeesh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a polar bear paint so poorly.
I guess I don’t really feel obligated to have a take on a wack song.
These guys are giving St. Louis Cardinals fans a run for their money.