
I think it was this episode where I really started to get into the more personal stories, something which gets stronger as the series progresses.

For the truly dedicated fans, I'd like to them to audio sequel (unimaginatively titled The Key 2 Time), starring the 5th Doctor. It plays much more with the idea of light and dark and the origins of the Key (and how the 4th Doctor endangered the universe with his actions). I especially like the middle installment

I can't really say, having not read or seen the films. But I know there's tons of bad romance novels which center around men pursuing the love a woman whose virtues are often ill-defined. Bonus points if they have to overcome the bitter reproach of his/her family who don't understand their epic love can not be

I'm not sure people realize how rare a true Mary Sue is in professional fiction. One of the most often cited cases is Wesley Crusher and he's really just the standard issue Child Genius character which were a dime a dozen during the 80s. Even Bella from Twilight (another often cited Mary Sue) sounds more like a stock

Sherlock Holmes? James Bond? Captain Kirk? The Doctor? Batman?