
A rusty old Alfa that you'll never be able to find any parts for?

But of course the Renault Clio Williams

Not sure if Porsche, or old Mitsubishi Eclipse.

Now playing

Jesus Christ people, flip your god damn iphone around you lazy idiots.

First and only time I'll side with Bieber.

couldn't help but notice, but this guy may contributed to (or in a way caused) this accident. let me explain...

I would say terrible video but a decent idea. This was so poorly done that I actually felt compelled to comment, which I rarely do.

I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't paying attention. I've had to deal with my share of truck drivers in left lane (illegal on most highways in VA, by the way), weaving, even on their phones. That being said, there are a good amount of responsible truck drivers as well.

hey adam... your show was hilarious