
This sounds like a special kind of hell but to each their own.

Mississippi can be the next state to join North Carolina in forming the new soverign nation of Regressistan.

Fuck the south. Between this, NC being total dicks to the transgender community, the dipshit GA senator (FEMALE) who is trying to get rid of rape kits as evidence.....I’m so embarrassed to be from down here y’all.

His lawyer argued Harris didn’t deserve prison, saying he’d written a letter of apology to Meredith


placing my lunch order now:

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK that’s it, it’s vodka for lunch today.

I am so gutted.

I think a lot of them don’t even give a shit about LGBQ. They may find it distasteful or whatever but mostly they don’t give a shit. There was a gay culture in the South for decades and everyone knew but it just wasn’t spoken of. There was just a nudge and a wink that so and so was a little fruity. They weren’t afraid

The best I can come up with is, “What if my son/daughter/loved one sees people like that and thinks it’s OK to live their life like that instead of being stuck with the life I want them to live?” Wanting a loved one to be safe and thinking this means keeping them in familiar territory is at best misguided (especially

A good friend of mine is not about discriminating against LGBT but just “doesn’t get it”. He’s 71, a former Navy Seal and has lived and worked in Vegas for 40 years. So he’s seen it all but he still isn’t able to get it. We have a mutual friend who is getting married for the third time. This woman is a serial marrier.

They are afraid that we will recruit and damn their children.

Freelance comic artist with a non-24-hour sleep-wake cycle. My internal clock is slightly longer than 24 hours, so I go to sleep later and later every day, swinging around the clock every couple weeks or so.

To the people who actually worry that the gays are trying to “recruit” them, my only response is, you wouldn’t have to worry about being converted if you weren’t able-to-be-converted in the first place. In other words, just embrace who you are. You’ll be happier in the long run, and you’ll stop ruining other people’s

Fear of the “other.” Some cis people quite literally do not see trans(*) persons as fellow humans.

Isn’t it awesome? I could get married anywhere but I can get fired and evicted for being gay in most places? Too add insult to injury, there’s a very real possibility of getting kicked out of the grocery store for the crime of existing in South Carolina?

Christians like to focus on other people’s sins rather than their own.

It’s not part of your shitty religion to use your business or other influence to take us back to the days of state-sanctioned discrimination and segregation.

For as long as I live, I will never understand why people are so afraid of the LGBT community. Is it contagious? Are they planning to kill people? Are they really aliens in human skin? What? What is it? WHAT??

Oh, for Christ’s sake. I just got up.