wow. psychologil study being performed the same way with the same science that they use to evaluate professional athletes. Anyone feeling a little bit more mainstream?
wow. psychologil study being performed the same way with the same science that they use to evaluate professional athletes. Anyone feeling a little bit more mainstream?
Anybody see one in Montreal, please post. been looking but haven't found one yet.
omg, AWESOME. Thanks!!!
SCIV online.
SCIV.. so addicted
Thailand. where "the only winning move is not to play"
this is awesome. How cool did it feel to write "Crecentient"?
haven't been to either but being an executive / sales type he's not very likely to come out and say "E3 was crap but mine will be WAY worse" now is he?
SCIV and going to my very First NASCAR race (I'm in Canada so this is a big deal for me!)
Logitech wireless ones are fantastic. Sound good and they have a bendable rubber band in the back. a mite on the expensive mind you but totally worth it IMHO
i am now officially buying this game. excellent post!
if it was "Slim, Attractive Princess" every single statement from the feminist blogs would be identical in every respect.
this is a cool idea to keep the people (like me) who quit to think about coming back
someone probsbly imagined the wii mote sticking out of there and said "You know, the console name is going to give enough jokes to the internets, maybe we can come up with something better?"
@ TRT-X: not really. Show case the look / stage / camera angles w/o showcasing the marquis characters everyone wants should theoretically heighten excitement to play them.
this is going to be so fun1
Uwe Boll should make a move about his life.
GTAIV for as long as I can
holy thumb-cock Batman!