
Is their any doubt that many tech nerds are incredibly insecure? All that power grab and deceptiveness becomes borderline sociopath overcompensation for that insecurity. The money feeds it and allows it to fester and perpetuate, rather than forcing them to overcome those insecurities and develop some self-esteem like

That smacks of a little pot, kettle, black though. How can anyone get through they day if they allowed themselves to be distracted by every blatantly biased opinion, every step of the way?

I didn't say they lack market share, I said "what they lack". Nevertheless, I think you proved my point, because, yes they still have a minority market share in mobile devices at large, smartphones, and I believe OS as well. But as you demonstrated, the perception is that they control much more than they actually do.

And the data is ostensibly... ostensibly... only available by court order. Of course, that's all a bit fuzzier in the post Patriot Act era, and the data just being there at all opens the door to abuse, legal or not. The point here is that the data is not on some secured server behind 3 firewalls and limited access,

"how does this affect you in any way?"

Indeed! Thanks for the tip. Incidentally, it took this long for the heads up to indicate that I had replies.

Promote button not working so...

Holy Shit, I didn't even catch the "7" goof; I was too focused on the Glenn love. Poor Shepard still gets sold short.

"Well which one's Glenn? He's the one I wanna meet." - S. Biddle

Even hit a Golf Ball.

Glenn was first to orbit, Shep. was first American. I think honoring their accomplishments correctly would the first step toward, you know, a tribute.

Who would've thought that the only way to make the new layout tolerable would be to make it look 8-Bit?

"Fake". Twas used in the previous condescending post about long term space living environment research.

There's that word again.

Stick into the wake turbulence people! Jeesh, every General Av. dork knows this, you'd expect more from the Hollywood jocks.

@Irving94: No, I addressed the benefits: I said it's really exciting when you manage to pull a chunck out and things don't collapse. ;^)

@Alex Accarino: Have you ever played Jenga? Everyone's really excited when they manage to pull their chunk out without the whole structure collapsing? Same thing. Except the chunks aren't made of wood, or anything real, they're made of a concepts, and models, and theories, and hundreds of millions of lives are

How much is national security dependent upon our economy - rhetorically?

Can I purchase or wear the Down Jacket if I don't look like the guy from Coldplay? No? Damn, that's right out then.

When will lazy stupid lowlifes figure out that easy to do almost always means easy to get caught at as well?