
I am not “blaming” anybody for Biden because I do not see him as bad. You obviously have deep feelings against him: understand that I have deep feelings against Sanders, shared by the majority of the Democratic voters because he attracts people filled with rage (as you illustrate) and never accomplishes shit (for all

I honestly thought it was just me who felt this way... it’s so frustrating as a Black woman who has supported the root since the beginning, reading the odd pro Biden anti Bernie posts, and then having my comments about it disappear in the greys. It feels like the root doesn’t care about all of our opinions.

White women are about to fuck this up again, aren’t they?

I respect the hell out of her and this isn’t the first time Root’s Voldermort pulled this shit which is why I went after him. However, as I just told him not to ever reply to me again, I will be taking my own advice and not replying to him ever again.

Even better than his writings which are excellent, get copies and listen to his speeches. He was a master spokesperson!

Thanks for the thorough reply. I Appreciate it.

Why is Nina Turner a problem? Asking because I’m sincerely confused about why people don’t like her. Is it just because she supports Bernie? Or did she fuck up?

I don’t expect politicians and their surrogates to be able to actually answer the charges leveled in Dr King’s letter as that would involve public discussion of uncomfortable truths, a thing they all avoid. But there’s a way to disagree without wrongly lecturing a black woman about the text under discussion. For

So Joe Biden is going to apologize for her actions, right? Since candidates are now responsible for their supporters and she’s literally on TV shouting down a black woman until she stopped talking?

You obviously feel very strongly about this because this is, at least, the third time you’ve posted about ignoring trolls, lol.

I feel like a lot of people, though they may like Bernie’s platform, want to get rid of Trump more than they want everything on his wish list. As Michael said, it’s anyone’s guess whether Bernie could accomplish anything. But it’s easy to believe that getting voters behind a broadly acceptable candidate could be

The flaw is that the built in checks only apply to Democrats.

I honestly don’t want to die.

Anyone who comes mewling about “Black-on-Black” crime from this point forward should be roundly ignored. Just straight up e-mail in the trash, no more thought given in their direction.

That makes about as much sense as Trump’s theories about the hacking of the DNC’s computers in 2016: The Democrats colluded with Ukrainians to hack their own computers to disclose negative emails and then blame it on Russians and falsely claim it was to help Trump... with the disclosure of the negative DNC emails

What do you think ignorant means? Low Information Voter means someone who is ignorant of the facts. “Linguist George Lakoff has written that the term is a pejorative mainly used by American liberals to refer to people who vote conservative against their own interests and assumes they do it because they lack sufficient

You’re getting lost in a tangent here. And only 74.3% of 2016 Bernie supporters who voted at the general election voted for Clinton (don’t forget some failed to vote and some voted for Jill Stein or others), so if you were hoping to get 90% support for Clinton, no such luck. For purposes of comparison, 84% of Clinton

I specifically targeted the 10% of Bernie supporters who voted for Trump in 2016. Then, I further narrowed it to the forty some-odd percent of that 10% of Bernie supporters who felt that systemic racism is not a thing. And, with the original article from Michael Harriott being BernieBros saying that black people voted

This is what I fear most. If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination they are going to have a meltdown and throw a temper tantrum just like 2016 and we end up with Trump. Again.

There seems to be a cadre of folks who blame Hillary for losing to Trump because she was a horrible candidate but blame everyone else in the world when Bernie loses an election.