
In contrast, when I played little league I knew a kid who played catcher without a cup. A hitter foul tipped the ball, it managed to bounce underneath the catcher and up directly into his nuts. It was so bad, doctors insisted he not run for months. He missed the entire season. I still wonder if he can have kids.

If you continue watching, the other angle shows he never touches the ball when he reached for it.

Yeah, bad call. Also totally blatant foul on Nurkic too. Guy was practically hugging him.

Thank you! I also don’t see the appeal in the game at all. It was Everything about it.

Dragon Age: Inquisition’s everything was a letdown. It’s just an all around boring game. It’s a single player MMO with bland fantasy characters in a bland fantasy world. It’s absolutely astounding to me that someone is thinking about this game years after it’s release, let alone writing about it.

If you’re going to be spending days in the woods backpacking, you need a high quality backpack that fits very well. So...not this. Look at the high quality brands (Osprey and Gregory jumpy to mind) and try it on in person to make sure it fits your body well. This is not a product to cheap out on.

If you’re going to be spending days in the woods backpacking, you need a high quality backpack that fits very well.

This is fucking beyond stupid.

I’m really hoping this comment is meant to be ironic it? I really can’t tell anymore.

How many states need to legalize it before companies stop mandatory drug testing of marijuana for hiring?

Hindsight? Most people thought $70 million a bit of an overpay if anything, and nobody thought he’d be able to do better this summer. On top of that, traditional centers are becoming less and less important, and they’re a dime a dozen. Honestly, any decent agent should’ve seen this coming.

That’s cuz she doesn’t.

Does Russ ever actually shoot spot up 3s? I thought they were all horrendous off the dribble 3s

BUT Russ could average a triple-double again! Why aren’t you guys arguing for him to win another MVP?!

Comparing Houston and OKC isn’t really fair. Houston is an iso team, but they also have two of the greatest passers of their generation in Harden and Paul. Despite Westbrook’s gaudy stats, he’s nowhere near the iso player nor the passer as either of Houston’s stars.

When did that happen? Sarah’s character arc consisted of a handful of thrown together episodes, but you never saw real and consistent change in her character. John Casey had a better character arc. Hell, Morgan Grimes had a better character arc. My biggest complaint with Chuck, which is a show I love, is the

What is this I see?! A reasonable take on deadspin?

You’re talking about the team that drafted Papagiannis a full ROUND before he was projected to go.

Here’s why this is never a compelling argument for me. What game isn’t fun with friends? Hell, just doing nothing is fun with friends. So if this game requires friends to even start being fun, what is the game providing?

Damn. You spent a lot of time writing out a post that is just completely and fundamentally wrong.

I’d never recommend a mouse like this for general gaming. But for people like me who MMO but hate having to stretch their left hand all over the keyboard, a mouse like this is essential.

I’d never recommend a mouse like this for general gaming. But for people like me who MMO but hate having to stretch