
White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

Your statement is demonstrably false. You are going out your way to demean her through falsehoods, making you both a liar and an asshole [because I give you the benefit of the doubt as to whether or not you are capable of distinguishing right from wrong].

Warren went to the University of Houston and to Rutgers for law school. She worked for Harvard, and the hiring committee said her heritage didn’t come up while she was being considered for employment. She mentioned it afterward.

Here’s how her campaign would go:

The things Pence would do can be fixed. Laws can be repealed, judges replaced in time, ect. You can’t un-push the red button. I’ll take The Handmaid’s Tale (fighting the whole wayover The Road, terrible as it might be.

Yeah. Pence is an evil man. We’re still fucked but less likely to die in nuclear war under Pence, I think.

Take a bath, paint your nails/get a manicure, take yourself out to a movie you want to see, eat some comfort food, catch up with friends (even if it’s just a phone call), re-read a favorite book, blast some happy music and dance around the house in your PJs

Hey all! I spent 10 years on the pill before getting an IUD put in over Christmas. I am struggling. I’m angry and hungry all the time and can’t stop getting annoyed with my husband over really stupid shit. I started crying in a diner today for no reason!

Yeah, and what IS it with that rust-colored brown stuff that chunks its way dryly out of you at the end, anyway? I call it the “Last Hurrah”— but that’s not a good proper name, because it always looks so dejected, compared to those stewed-tomato clots of 3 days before. Maybe Pat Toomey can clear this mystery up for us!

I sort of want to quote Lindy West at him:

I just emailed his office this:

Watching her this morning moved me more than I anticipated it would. It felt like, not only the end of her tenure as FLOTUS, but the end of civility, intellectualism, and empathy in Washington for a long time to come. And when she choked up near the end, I think it’s because she knows it, too.

I’m not a crafter, not that it matters. I’m not a mommy, not that it matters. I am also a super fucking left wing liberal shit stirring feminist, not that I need to provide my cred to you, and not that you’d believe it anyway. I’m guessing YOU aren’t a liberal, progressive feminist, since you are A-fucking-OK with

Nope. Performing should be entirely voluntary. I no longer respect the office of the presidency, because America has elected a man who not only brags about sexual assault, and coddles white nationalists, but who is supremely unqualified to do the job and doesn’t care.

I love America. I hate Trump. Trump =/= America. I love America the way my parents loved me growing up- I expect the best out of America, and when those expectations are not met I voice my disappointment. But I’ll always come back to it, and I am expressing my love of America by using the rights that many people died

No, you evidently do not understand why we have discrimination statutes. You don’t have logical consistency when you don’t understand the underpinnings of our rights.

I think you can becuase I just did.

The cognitive dissonance required to portray Obama as both a tyrant ruling the country through executive action and a wimp who got pushed around for eight years is impressive. Building up that tolerance for contradiction must have laid the groundwork for disenfranchised voters to convince themselves that Trump would

Her house is listed as the office for Spencer’s National Policy Institute. So. Yeah. There’s that.