I'm assuming that's 25x the amount to live on each year?
I'm assuming that's 25x the amount to live on each year?
They probably realized that fewer people have been playing over the years and they'd never celebrate the conclusion of they didn't rush it. It is kind of sad that it's over, but it really fits with the Katamari experiment overall.
Eve meets Wing Commander with a hint of Rainbow Six in space.
I agree. I have refused to buy MGSV due to the treatment they have displayed toward Hideo Kojima. This man deserves far more credit they are giving him and as long as they keep it up I cannot justify buying future Konami games. Though that likely won't be a problem considering their future lies in Pachinko, Bingo and…
There’s a difference between how your community is presented to the public eye and how your community is presented to specific target markets. Disney hosts gay days, which they advertise extensively in targeted markets, but you don’t see this advterised along side a family ad for Disney at the same time.
In all honesty, I have zero interest in this game; however, I am disappointed with the idea of a company choosing not to release a game due to the potential impact of a few SJWs.
I used to keep a large red ball from the dollar store in my office. I’d toss it against the wall when I needed to think or unwind.
It's investigative reporting. If they found something that's not public knowledge then they did their job right.
I dunno what Xbox controller you're using, but I've had rechargeable AA batteries since day one.
June 19 was the date originally published.
Michael Fahey will find some way to make this his shop contest, Kotaku needs a shop contest, and this is ripe for 80’s parody works.
A few days ago I played Trove, which made me think about this game. All these block games start to blend together after a while.
Look at Super Dungeon Explorers. I got it a few weeks ago for a new board game weekend I had with my friends where we played several games we never played before. We had the most fun with that one and it has a co-op mode and vs. mode available.
Thank you for your entertaining posts so far. I noticed you only have 16 followers on Kinja so I’ll follow you too. Keep the positivity going!
Disney’s on your side with a swift banning at all parks.
Disney’s on your side with a swift banning at all parks.
Get Spielberg on the line, it’s time to phone home... At all costs. The rebels fight to get to the ship and the g-men fight to prevent rebel advancement.
The founders didn’t hold the community together by releasing periodic updates on Mega Man (in-general) and further developing a campaign to support Inafune’s work.
I loved Legends and Legends 2, but the Kickstarter is too ambiguous. It sounds like I’m funding a movie that could be made into a game of the movie is successful so I'm passing on this one until further clarification or they add the game to the backer rewards.