
This time of year all of Edinburgh is English or American

Yeah this was a weird one. I didn’t dislike it, it just made no impression on me. It needed an actual backstory rather than pulling random crap about Hope from wherever.

A doctor without an English accent? Peter Capaldi and sylvester McCoy would like a word

If we're getting Doom we need Luke Cage chasing him for the money he's owed

Oh ffs. Can they just pick a non slimeball and stfu please?

Don’t recall this being addressed in the show “Wheres Gamora?

The punisher is hardly a “don’t be a mass murdering, genocidal, psychopath” poster child

Chris Pratt is Starfox

Why is this even a thing? Person gets job as host on gameshow should not be a long running story

Wow. Amazon being underhanded and unethical. Never thought I'd see the day.

I was madly in love with her when I was too young to even know what that meant.

Every time I visit this site, I miss Nathan, Todd, and Sean more

Good point. I'll shut up

Quick! I need 500 words of pointless bullshit! Light the Barsanti signal!

Thus forgetting the entire point of why Erskine chose Steve

How is it baffling? In the next phase Marvel introduce Brian/Betsy Braddock as Captain Britain with the full Stonehenge/Merlin/Excalibur origin. Suddenly people are all “ Hang on, wasn’t Captain Britain Peggy Carter in that show? Pretty sure magic wasn’t involved”

Well, reality show or not, it is hardly real life.

Negging is so 2004 dude

Captain Britain is a completely different mythology and it would have made it difficult to introduce the real one later.

There are already rumours that Atwell will play Captain Carter in the new Dr Strange movie