She's always been a goddess, nice to know she's an official princess as well
She's always been a goddess, nice to know she's an official princess as well
Sam being too stupid to turn his phone off in a meeting with criminal psychopaths really spoiled an already weak episode.
Where's Firefly?
A new record, nine thumbs down.
Boom! Headshot. Nice
Like Braff can spare the time from his job at the McDonald's drive thru
Like Mike Pence
That outside cladding is a crime. The rest is fine
Frank Stallone
It's a bear dance!
That has no effect on his legal nationality, which is not a dubious concept at all, it’s on your passport. Has anyone actually asked Mr Brosnan what nationality he is or were the AV Club writers just being lazy and a bit racist? Trust me, you call someone from the Republic British and nine times out of ten you’ll get…
That has no effect on his nationality. An American living in Canada doesn't suddenly become Canadian
Oh, it got worse, there was also Supersoldier, Superman and Captain America combined
No, he's from Drogheda, which is in the Republic
He's not British, he was born Irish and gained American citizenship in the early 2000s
Lenny Henry!
OK, I’ve never heard of him, that, or any of this. This hasn’t encouraged me to seek them out
Blackadder and Baldrick
Tony Stark didn't have superpowers either
Yeah, I spotted the wink. He looked just like the football playing school bully