Was it my imagination or did Wanda make a Kickass reference? Obviously Aaron Taylor Johnson starred in that but I didn't quite catch the context
Was it my imagination or did Wanda make a Kickass reference? Obviously Aaron Taylor Johnson starred in that but I didn't quite catch the context
Jesus h fucking christ. So Trachtenberg is basically saying it was, at minimum, physical abuse. About time to call the cops I would think.
I'm certain that I saw Justice League but I remember nothing whatsoever about it.
So, have they done live action versions of Totally Spies and Kim Possible yet?
We need to reserve Hamm to play Superman in the Kingdom Come movie
I don't think iv made it through the original cut of JL. I may have done and just blotted it out as a traumatic memory
Yeah. The Cosby Show?
The guy who voluntarily locked his dick in an object that connects to the internet
I was wondering that. The assumption from the end tag of Far from Home was that Fury and Hill were off planet with SWORD.
It'll still be overblown crap, only with more homoeroticism and less faux feminism
You live near Professor X! Don’t all the mutants hanging around drive down the property values?
If you're in the UK, or can track it down elsewhere, I recommend "Hypothetical" a panel show he presents with Josh Widdecombe and the usual murderers row of guests
A lot of the amusement with Tom is that he's this effete, camp guy who went to school with Rob Beckett, the classic working class Essex boy, at a really rough comprehensive school
Drink for David Baddiel as well, he was on Taskmaster
The thing is, Keanu is generally the hottest thing in the vicinity so he may just end up doing himself in game
She seems as nice as I always thought she'd be when she was Anya. I was really pleased when I saw her in Wanda Vision, she deserves to be a much bigger star.
I recently reread it and I thought it was actually pretty bad. The first third is the best part, especially the scenes describing the initial spread of the virus.
On Disney+ they have short info films giving necessary background on the characters
I fell asleep during Rise of Skywalker. I didn't even do that during the prequels. And I liked The Force Awakens and thought Last Jedi was, overall, a decent movie.
She was like the Macarena, something everyone did in the 90s