which is why the next 2 series will be based on the Mini.... but we care.
which is why the next 2 series will be based on the Mini.... but we care.
Why would anyone buy a 3 series nest year? Between the XE and the Alfa, I don’t get it. The 3 series is hardly the sports sedan it used to be. Maybe the Alfa and Jag are garbage, but what good reason is there for buying a German Camry?
I did one this spring, it was cold and rainy the first half of the day. It was fucking intense as all get out!
The Glen needs more high profile races. I know it’s not FIA Grade 1, but it would be amazeballs if F1 came back.
Holy fucking shit, why is it always a BMW?
What I’m really looking for is the SRT Dart. Come on Sergio, it’s been 3 years now.
And the best part is, it's not a mustang!
Is that the Morgan’s Size Three Heeler?
Neutral: Where Should The Priority Be For Autonomous Cars?
Neutral: If I own it, the car’s priority should be keep me and my passengers alive above all else.
It would be a pure racecar LeMons build, so not too worried about that.
HOLY HELL DO I WANT THIS CAR. (For like $2000)
Yesssss! That's my racing number. #138
it may be crapcan, but the interior room surprised me. it’s ROOMY. and i’m a fat 6’0 guy.
Good call! I had an '88 and a '91. Wish I still had them.
I had one that I brought back to life. Did it deserve the love? No. But who cares, it was a fun little car/
I thought it was a reliable car. At least the one my parents owned. I could of had a race car :\
Mazda B6t bolts in.
Was on a team that raced one at a local circle track for a few seasons. It was... Slow. High-ish center of gravity. I think the driver flipped it once.
Ford Aspire. Specifically the one I bought off my mother in law because I beat the shit out of that car. I hit the biggest buck I ever saw in it, went 30k miles between oil changes, drove like I was on a rally stage every day and just abused it relentlessly and it took it all gleefully.