
My dad celebrated his 80th birthday today, which considering how ill he’s been is a real milestone!

I’ve... never heard of puppy pot. Is actual cannabis part of it?

Got some progress made on the soft circuit merit badge: Facebook album.

She ain’t the c-word. She lacks the depth, the charm, and the warmth.

Something tells me that she’d admit she smells it-- but not where anyone might hear her.

On a staggeringly irrelevant note, I’m surprised this guy knew the correct use of the word “faze”.

Spencer’s lucky. Someone could’ve decided to “spot” for him while he was bench pressing. “Oops! Clumsy me.”

I thought a lot of Trump’s base didn’t think Catholics were real Christians.

Summary of Fox News response to Ailes death:

Handsome author name of Chuck Tingle would be sad that you lumped TRUE BUCKAROOS in with this loveless devil.

... a little “oxy-(contin)” with a lot of “moron”.

You know, the thought of a spectral Vincent Price threatening one of these dipshits with a spear just makes me feel warm and happy inside like a good cup of cocoa.

Here’s the border of the badge, at any rate:

I actually got the border of the badge sewn today. It’s a little rough, but then I’ve never done freehand satin stitch. I might get a picture up later today...

Next weekend may be a little crazy as there’s Pin-a-Go-Go and Maker Faire both happening, so if I miss next week’s SNS it simply means I done wore myself out!

‘Fraid I have no good animal pictures (though I second the recommendations of the Tinykittens videos), but I hope both of you are doing better.

Goddamn it, I try to recommend something and the count goes down...

So is the White House completely incompetent or unfathomably cruel?