
But I want to worry about roller blades and Japanese police. Just in HD. On a modern console.

That’s pretty awesome

You know Adam & Eve? From the Bible? That’s where the name comes from. Guess what Adam is in French? Adam.

Also, don’t forget: The free comics actually cost something to the shops, so be kind and don’t just grab them all.

Activision Exec: “Holy shit, Ubisoft has scarves in their new game! How can we top that?”

Other Exec: “I... I think I have a plan.”

The country most likely to ban it would be France rather than Germany.

Oh well. People will care for a few months, Germany will ban the game, and everyone will forget.

The original Battlefield was titled Battlefield 1942!

Possibly why they’re doing alternate history.

Well can’t see this becoming a PR catastrophe if done poorly.

OKAY! If this is true.... Dice has some serious courage.

Actually, I think those companies will continue to thrive because they tend to be good at sifting through the hatred and figuring out what’s nonsense vs. what’s genuine criticism that they should respond to. YouTube dislikes for a game that isn’t out yet = nonsense. Diablo III auction house = genuine criticism.

You really shouldn’t go around telling people you enjoyed Ghosts.... ;)

If they just sold Modern Warfare: Remastered separately as well most of the anger would go away. Instead they’re going to ignore it and let it get worse instead.

Because there is nothing to say about this, it doesn't matter. The game will still make a billion dollars.

I think it looks fucking awesome.

It was both for me.

Gotta beg to differ. It was the music.