
Also, you should at least try it. The game’s actually delivered on some of its original promises.

Don’t care. The joke was lame, and at this point, no longer relevant.

A samurai hack’n’slash where you play as a guy wearing a bear head. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST!

Can we just think about how Destiny has come so far that this guy literally cannot make fun of its current version?

That was amazing.

This art style is amazing. It’s like the average brushy one found in concept art, but also not really.


“What is the Answer to Life, the Universe, Everything?!”

Exactly. It was already simple to begin with!

Yeah ‘cause, you know, dysentery was so nice!

Am I the only one not liking the simplification? I feel like there’s a bit too much. The fact that leveling up takes no time at is what I’m really worried about though. These games are easy enough as if.

That was amazing writing! We need an animation of this. And one for Ekko as well, while you’re at it!

How philistinish! How gauche!

Why not? I’m sure many of us here haven’t tried it out yet, and probably wnat some more info on what it is.

Personally, I find Sex highly overrated. Not nearly as amazing as the videos make it out to be. Besides, I have a hard time finding someone else to play with nowadays, and the single-player is significantly less interesting. You can tell they put much more effort in the co-op mode.

Maybe, but it’ll help!

I now have hope for Destiny 2.

So it’s done in the same format as the GBA games?

The point is that he’s not a jerk. Of course he doesn’t understand why it couldn’t work, but that doesn’t make it any less kind.