
It seems to be similar to the gameplay they’ve shown in the past, which is good. Why they’re saying this is the world premiere of the game I don’t know. Probably because of the development issues with the game, but it’s fine.

Now playing

Keep in mind that this isn’t all there is to the game.

Yeah, I get it. Still though, Rare can’t be blamed for that.

To be fair, the dragon in this game was pretty underwhelming. What the hell Platinum?

The combat looks kinda boring to be honest. I also hope the game doesn’t get repetitive with fetch quests and other bland side content like that. It almost feels like it will be. Not that I’m certain, but that’s just how the game feels already.

It’s been explained though. To a degree. The story is minimalist in these games, so it’s not really something you talk at length about, and the gameplay does involve a bit more than basic puzzling. One thing is that the beast you play with is supposed to act like an actual animal, and won’t trust you at all at the

Yeah but that’s boring. It shold at least have some effect.

Star Fox Adventures was Nintendo’s fault though. It wasn’t supposed to be about Star Fox at all when it was first being made.

I think you missed the point of The Last Guardian. You play it more for the experience, and the gameplay is just one part of it.

Yes, but it doesn’t matter. Who even uses that phrase now?

Sundown, Kameo 2, and Black Widow are the ones I’m looking forward to seeing. Rare making a horror game? Or a sci-fi game? The ideas in my head probably won’t fit the actual game, but all of these projects seem kinda interesting.

Never expected Rare to be fans

An interesting take on the stealth genre. Question though: what’s the game actually like?

And absolutely no one was surprised.

Well now I’ll feel really guilty if I buy MGSV, just because I’m giving them money.

That jab at Grabbed by the Ghoulies though.

This is the most radical piece of art in existence.

What if there was a story where Batman actually killed someone, and just went exactly as insane as he predicted? The closest to that happening that I remember is in the comics when he was turneed into a vampire, but I guess that doesn’t count.

You aren’t wrong, I just want a Batman story that lets us feel this a bit more.

Fair enough, but it’s also a little boring. I want a story that really breaks down Batman in certain ways, shows him as a human, if only for a while. I also want a Batman story that tackles certain issues with him in general. Like, how about the fact that the idea of swearing vengeance on all crime and running around