
When something strange happens, someone will be there to shoot it in portrait.

SHUT UP! I still send Julie Brown hate mail because I wasn't expecting a Citizen Kane spoiler in "The Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" All art must go on pause until I've seen it. Then they can ignore everyone else who hasn't watched/read it.

There's really not much of an excuse for not reading The Hobbit if you enjoy the story/idea/subject matter, I read it in an afternoon when I was 7. It's only 310 pages long.

Satire, right?

Sexist. It was sexist.


This movie looks downright TERRIFYING.

"The scientists aren't entirely sure why the ocean is located in the south."

At first I was like, "Maybe Val Kilmer could come back as Iceman! He could even do that arrogant open-mouthed gum chewing thing!"

Ugh, another movie featuring an emotionless, stilted, machine-like being that can never comprehend human feelings.

You're still danger... (BURP) excuse me. You're still dangerous, Maverick.

Now playing

The whole first season finale of Sarah Connor Chronicles was just perfect, but especially this bravura sequence. So great.

Turned a questionable season into one of the show's best.

Doctor Who Series Four-Journey's End

Made me go and devour all the books in like a month.

Mulder's "suicide". Had me speculating all summer, only to have Chris Carter take a giant shit on my expectations in the first two minutes following season's premiere. Seriously, you couldn't find a way to milk the suspense for an episode or two?

Breaking Bad - "Face Off"

Supernatural Season 5.

It may not be the best, or one that we want to remember, but the Who Shot J.R? cliffhanger on Dallas created a pop culture buzz like none other and that's what a season finale is supposed to do.