
I'm so creeped out by this picture. It's partly because of the little girl's evil looking face, but mostly because of Quicksilver's dead eyed, emotionless face.

Witches traditionally don't wear pink, personally i think this is a Singer red-herring, and were looking at either Jean Grey or another character, maybe quicksilver ina foster home ala dead beat dad Magneto

Golden girls wig prop?

Including Eccelston, since he's refuses to return to any role :/


I figured it was Cordelia a few weeks ago, and you're right about this horrible ending, but let's not forget something. THERE IS STILL A LIVE HUMAN CHILD IN THE ATTIC BEING CARED FOR BY A DOLL-HOARDING GHOST.

For a second I thought he was checking his phone.

I'm going to be real, my editor added that. I just said greatest villain or something.

You were talking about some sort of mad science experiment to combine Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston.

So the decision to cast him as Loki was the better one. We all knew this. This is just confirmation.
He is a perfect Loki.
And Hemsworth is a fantastic Thor.
God, the two of them are just delicious in their own way, there's no need for comparisons. I can love them each in turn... Or perhaps all together...

And would anyone have guessed from the pilot that 100 episodes later Caroline Forbes would be the best character?

God, Andrew Lincoln sounds so much better with his English accent - and weird, too. Like when David Tennant talks in Scottish.

Until you run out of ammo

I don't know if it's just because I'm a sad old man, but I don't like the idea of people being able to buy weapons so easily. I know you could do the same damage with a common-garden pickaxe or something, but it doesn't feel the same.

I don't understand, why would I need wooden bench seats in a zombie outbreak?

Still single?

Hands up anyone who honestly thought in September that this show would be more of a sheer, wild, geek-laden entertainment pleasure than "Agents of SHIELD."

Great, now that song's in my head for the rest of the day.

Well, just to play devil's advocate, Frozen did the same thing to the Ice Queen myth (in the original story she's unmistakably evil), and that worked out really well.