Hmm, am I the only one who was disappointed with the single player? I honestly just thought it was more of the same. Wasn't all the great.
Hmm, am I the only one who was disappointed with the single player? I honestly just thought it was more of the same. Wasn't all the great.
what about for the mac?
This is a silly article. Did they just seriously suggest ditching the printer? Scanner, fine. But everything else is still a very big part of alot of people's work flow.
oh my god...OSX, Linux fanboys get off your high horses. Listen, I'm a mac man my self. But this new taskbar is great. I watched that video with a giant smile across my face and I think its great that Windows users will get some love in window management. I was very critical of the "Flip" feature in Vista because lts…
wow, thats some pretty monster specs. Core 2 Quad 2,4GHz? My goodness.
Watched it before I played the game. Nice lead into it. Sets the atmosphere up very nicely. Its 15 dollars? For an hour and change of content, not too bad.
Logic board. Its the logic board with the damn 8600mGTs on them. Yeah it'll take 10 days. Good luck.
So how does crossover work? Unity in VMware without the VM it self? Is that a correct understanding?
No way in hell.
oh dear...
Frankly, all of you who are screaming about your little "artistic integrity" can go leap off a building. Frankly, I don't care who copied who and rehashed from where. If its fun to play with friends? Consider me sold. At the end of the day. It doesn't really mater.
yeah...I saw this and loled. Than decided that I needed this game in my life and the rest of my housemates are going to be playing this endlessly =D
Wow..a EA game. Who would have ever though (=p)
The keeping a extra copy of mission critical data away from the laptop is a great idea that have never occurred to me. I've no idea who this man, but the article was sound enough.
hmmmm more most wanted. Do want
@interim: My thought exactly...WTF?!?!
@yourcitylovesyou: Love GRID. Have fun.
@NnamkcebNairb: Cause he kept dying in spore...I thought he JUST explained himself?