@huginn: So is Jesus's second coming. And thats 2000 years in the making (if you believe that kind of thing that is)
@huginn: So is Jesus's second coming. And thats 2000 years in the making (if you believe that kind of thing that is)
Great tribute to a great show. I approve.
How...much machine do you need to play TF2? I feel a pretty mid ranged machine can run TF2 quite well. I mean its not Crysis is it? =/
So is it just me or does the joker look REALLY like Jack Nicolson? Maybe a bit skinner?
TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2 TF 2
Thats hot...
Forget batman. Just make another damn Hitman why don't you!
Honestly. Best 20 bucks ever spend for a game.
I loled.
Yeah, from what I've seen, I doubt minimum will run anything.
Man, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a believer! I'm so scared to get my hopes up but I'm gonna.
Dammit this game is gonna be so fucking hot.
Wow...I didn't think it was possible to become any more bored of that video. The pace looked hella slow.
But I already thought up a name and everything!
Man, I've been debating for the last 2 weeks if I should pick this game up. Dammit.
Hmmmmmm adam -drools-
wait...so is this a racing game...or a FPS?
What kind of upgrade is this going to be? Free? Money? What?
Thats very tame specs. I approve.
I'm not idea why this piece of news was so hilarious to me.