Yeah, for me under 18 education is school. We don't refer to uni as school in the UK. It's an area where I have encountered misunderstanding with Americans before, that's why I noticed it here. Or maybe I just have too much time on my hands... :)
Yeah, for me under 18 education is school. We don't refer to uni as school in the UK. It's an area where I have encountered misunderstanding with Americans before, that's why I noticed it here. Or maybe I just have too much time on my hands... :)
It's a slightly tangential issue, but I wonder if her dismissal of your point is based on a misunderstanding of your use of 'school'. You said Kate went to a posh school, and I understood you to be referring Marlborough whereas I think she thought you were talking about St Andrews.
Until very recently, royalty DID marry fellow members of the aristocracy
I was always shocked to see my classmates come in with Michael Kors, Chanel bags and more...
Thanks! I've no idea, I just came across it and thought it was funny.
As is yours good sir or madam.
I can totally see how it is hard to understand. But it happens. I thought I was in love with my attacker for a year and a half following my assault - and I repeatedly said 'I love you' to him in person, emails, texts, etc., afterwards. It's fucked up, but it's true. Needless to say, I never reported it. How do you…
Oh! Then my apologies for jumping to conclusions!
I'm looking forward to reading critiques by more writers, particularly black women as well.
Sorry but no. Céline Sciamma is a white woman. Her film is about black girls growing up in the 'banlieue' (i.e. the ghetto). They dance around in a hotel room that they rent with stolen money wearing dresses that they have stolen. The 'poor blacks who steal shit' trope has been done to death. And no it doesn't help…
Thank you for asking this! I think it is a bad idea to call black people African American rather than black simply because it is often an inaccurate descriptor. I am not African American. Like Idris Elba I am black British and also like Idris Elba it is not correct for people to refer to me as African American just…
Fair enough.
I just change the sheets after sex
You're right, but I think there has been a correction to the post since I wrote my comment.
Agreed. I love that cut on her.