
Well, no. The advise should be “If you wear high heels outside, during winter time, make sure to have the heels be metal spikes.”. That’s all.


That Tilda Swinton link seems to be broken.

I am usually very blaze when death comes a knocking. Just the way life is. We should not be surprised or sad. We should celebrate the life one had.

Goodbye Oculus. I guess you were meant for facebook zombies.

Two words for Mark Sugarhill:

BRAVO! You sir/ma’am deserve to be declared the king/queen of this comment thread. Done and done.

Just yesterday I realised they are not utilising the game pad for crafting. I have Minecraft on all platforms and this was the one I looked forward to the most. Until yesterday.

my first

I think that changed. XB1 gold games are more like ps+, tied to the subscription.

Hey necrophiliac, how’s life?

Yes. They go “Invite you? You do not allow us to use the word “veggies”! We love our veggies! Could not eat them if we called them vegetables. Such a long and boring word. I want my mammy to feed me veggies. No invite!”

Thank you. That’s quite a compliment. Now, please hurry back to your office cubicle and do not allow people who pass on as adults to use the word veggies around you (a word reserved for children to make the tasteless grass served to them seem more palatable).

Do grow up. Veggies? What are you, a three year old?

Lex Luthor Jr.


I killed Trashcan Carla once. I accidentally tossed a Molotov in my settlement, while she was behind me and she took it as an insult. She drew her gun and started shooting at me. I was like “no you don’t Carla! This is my f**** settlement!”. Killed her like a pigeon (too pimped out a shotgun in my hands), Skeeter

My kid has the New 3DS XL and I inherited the regular 3DS XL. I always play with 3D to the max and the new 3DS XL has a rock solid 3D that is nothing short of amazing. It is almost impossible to believe how good it is.

Randall Munroeis a fu**ing genius lord of pop culture references and smart humour. If we ever elect a single human to represent us with a newly discovered alien civilization we should send Randall (hehe, this is how we, the ordinaries, repay you for your fine services sir).

That tip is priceless. On so many levels.