
Ha! That seems to be the MO at Polygon (hopefully soon PolyGONE). Staffers there use the platform they have been given to spout opinions based on, what usually reads as, their deep insecurities. If you challenge them in any meaningful way they will either ban you or threaten to temporarily ban you. How did they get

Damn! Now? I just severed all my habits of visiting Polygon or following any of their staff on twitter thinking "I have Joystiq and Kotaku. Who needs these self absorbed a-holes (Polygon)". Kotaku! Stay right where you are! Don't you dare leave me to Polyshit.

Hiding in boxes like this works! True Story. I once worked in an IT department office with 10 people. No cubicles, just a huge office with 10 tables. By coincidence I had such a box next to my table (we received some equipment that day and took it out of the box). I was administering some systems when it struck me:

You definitely should! I was playing Destiny when I got a chance to try Velocity 2X. Never went back to Destiny. Velocity 2X has great "blink and you'll miss it" game play. It encourages repetition but only if you strive for perfection and it rewards those who perfect it. Highly recommended.

That's it. Close this comment thread. We are done for today. :)

Not really. Resogun, being offered for free to all ps+ subscribers on PS4 already "sold" well simply by having Sony cover the bill. So, no, it does not mean that it did not sell well but the following: