“I am officially retiring as a boobie streamer, or a titty streamer, if you will,” said Raihnbowkidz, a woman who…
“I am officially retiring as a boobie streamer, or a titty streamer, if you will,” said Raihnbowkidz, a woman who…
I think you’re missing the fact that she attacked a black car, which is clearly racist.
This has throttle body injection, which is a miniscule step up from an actual carburetor, but an important one.
The address for the dealer selling the Silver 1995 XJ6 is 2525 El Camino Ave.
Interesting fact about that Camaro- The visibility doesn’t change when you brush the snow off the car.
more accurately, Lamborghini, since it’s all under the VAG umbrella.
I imagine that in some parallel universe, the Aston actually chose you, based on it having reached some level of sentient thinking and upon reading all your articles about your Land Rover it decided “oh, you want to see British un-reliability!??! I’LL SHOW YOU BRITISH UN-RELIABILITY!!!”
Last week, I asked you to help me choose the car I would buy and use for a year to create columns and mediocre…
Taking things apart that have been rusted together since before my grandparents were born is always good for the chilled beverage industry.
Every DIY mechanic knows turning wrenches usually isn’t the worst thing about working on a car. It’s the years of…
If you’re like us Texans (who have been practically underwater in floods for the past few weekends—just check out…
Seeing as how I bought a 1995 Cherokee for $600 off Craigslist recently, when I got ahold of a $36,000 new Cherokee,…
um, turbochargers HAVE to suck*...how else are they going to get all that air in.