
We’re talking about a guy who goes around the country talking about the evil of jews, why it would be okay to bring eugenics back and why black people are genetically inferior beings.

That dudes a Nazi. A Nazi dweeb trying to make he’s extremist views look as normal as possible. Which by your comments means it’s

You’re now literally using questions from Dialogue 3d.

That’s my exact point, it isn’t.

Neutral ground between Nazis and antifascists is still Nazi-occupied territory.

When did ethnic cleansing become part of the moderate conservative platform

Exactly. Featuring WOLFENSTEIN, liberal anti-nazi propaganda?

No, it wasn’t like Spencer was a moderate conservative that got labeled a Nazi by the liberal media. He worked for, and is proud of that label.

Punching Nazis is radical but it isn’t liberal. Unless you’re liberally punching them? Don’t be on the side of the Nazis. That’s important.

Are you pro-Nazism?

It’s true. We definitely haven’t had enough discussion about the positive merits of ethnic cleansing. This is a side that should be debated more robustly and hasn’t really had a fair chance to flesh itself out. Quickly, fellow 14 year old Libertarians! To Reddit!

Ain’t political. Can’t be. Ethnically cleansing is not a political stance. Any kind of support of it, is not political.

genocide is bad = radical liberalism? lol

The belief that Jews or Blacks should be cleansed is to be tolerated such as every other belief

I don’t understand how Nintendo keeps getting away with their archaic account system and policies, and making people rebuy the same old VC games. It’s 2017 and they still don’t have a proper unified account system.

Probably because you get spammed with ad’s a lot playing mobile games and the Clash of Clan games tend to be shown a lot

mgsv was rushed to the market uncompleted. and that decision wasnt made by kojima,

No KojiPro’s fault, Konami fucked him (and us) royally on MGSV.

Why do you say that the UFC’s popularity stands to go through the roof? The way I see it, they were more popular 5 years ago and they’re about 1 Conor injury/lawsuit and one Ronda implosion from being totally bereft of PPV $tars. No Lesnar, no GSP, Anderson Silva is greatly diminished, Jones is suspended and a

Yeah yeah, you know how to use the three seashells, rub it in.