
Well... yes and no. Depends how he's struggling with his sexuality. I've had friends that didn't know how interpret their feeling towards a woman. They weren't exactly aroused but were had some kind of attraction, not necessarily sexual. So interpret it the only way they can think of and kiss. Some go as far and sex

It's not just men that do this. What about the women that have a crush on a gay man and think they can change him. Been there and it was awkward and gross as much as this scene is to women.

Yeah, I'm not on course with it. I didn't know what I wanted to do as a career until I was 27. I'm 31 now and in the career that I worked to get into and now I have a lot of student loan debt. However I don't have any credit card debt. My benefits for me new employer have not kicked in yet.

What reason is that? I don't like Mayo.

Just looking at the package I can tell they are going to taste gross. Why would you want a fruit punch cookie or even frosting.

Is 60 frames per second better than 30 frames per second? I feel it is, but I also feel like it's not something worth arguing over — give console gamers a choice, and everyone can play the way they want.

Those tweets make my brain hurt. According to these people American = Caucasian only?

...I'll probably go see this anyway.

Well, I wouldn't get discouraged and it's good that you're improving yourself. I think once you're comfortable and confident in yourself, you'll be fine.

And you know.. If I were you, I would probably stick with just women. You're going to find a lot of gay men that just want to hook-up, some are married, some just want NSA sex. There's a whole different world you'll find.

You know, as a gay man, I would be pissed off if you simply say that I'm creep and walk out.

OMG I totally saw it move! Did you see that?! It moved!

Yep, I was meant to be named after that song.

My parents wanted a girl and they were going to name me "Crystal-Blue". Then they found out my gender and they were then going to name me "Elliot". The day came and ended up naming me "David".

All the business and consumers that licensed previous Windows OS's.

I used to be that way too. Until I started having all my cards skimmed at gas stations. Such a hassle even with credit cards. So I just use cash for gas station.

People were really offended by that? I guess I'll get rid of my ball gag.

Interesting, I'll have to try that.

I hate my voice.