Right! Like this is just a huge inconvenience..
Right! Like this is just a huge inconvenience..
Please please please! Amazon is my last hope I'm going to wake up bright and early tomorrow and be on stand by and pray to that I can get one!
This is great! I been looking on trying to get this gun for a good time but didn't consider this method. I'll try it tonight after work! Thanks.
emblems aren't a huge thing for me but yes the speaker does need a a huge overhaul and the lady with the shaders I'd rather spend motes on shaders over a crap ton of glimmer
I agree! They also need to do something about the Motes of Light because I have over 100 and I don't buy engrams from Xur unless it is a gun but most of the time I miss it or its a armor piece that ends up being something not for my class so it is a waste!
It's also great for the Eris bounty too where you rapidly kill 3 hive with a special weapon
Got mine with no problems! I'm excited!!
I'm going to try and get a hold of this details will be announced this weekend and I hope I can be one of the few that can snag one up.
I agree that a remake of final fantasy vii would flop for the same reason stated in the article. It just won't deliver.
The 8 outlet power strip isn't $11 anymore :(
I'm not happy with the random player teleport because I'll admit I'm a lvl 28 Warlock but have the lowest hitter in my squad and I hate being sent because I have no choice but to use the relic and I actually prefer to be outside keeping the portal open. This recent patch ruins the strategy of the raid because not…
I understand why ps4 owners will be upset on ubisofts decision. If they wanted the game at 900p they could have easily gotten an xbox one. We all know that the ps4 can support 1080p and by doing the parity they are telling ps4 owners too bad you got a console that can run it better but you have to to just deal with…
brawler class Mii is way more op
I know what you mean!!!!!
I'm picking this up today after work! Need something else to play besides Destiny and its broken loot system
Why can't we have nice things !!
I been here and I usually go alone and meet up with random people there and we all just sit there for hours just shooting and I have gotten maybe one legendary engram every half hour to an hour at a time.
I need all these!!
This is really cool!
I just pre-ordered Link, Fox, Samus, Kirby and Yoshi. I also wanted to get Marth and the Villager but they aren't up for pre-order yet.