Hyacinth Bouquet

Agreed. I understand that the victim might be in denial or unable to reach out for help, but for an outsider - especially a parent - to allow that kind of abuse to continue out of fear of it getting worse is absurd. If your finger is gangrenous, you can’t ignore it just because you might lose the whole hand. The

Good riddance to bad rubbish.

From orbit?

Or you could look at it from another perspective - why is taking someone else’s last name undignifying in the first place? It’s not yours anyway - it’s the last name of your parents. Do they own you? I don’t think that a woman should be forced or feel compelled to take her husband’s name, but it’s silly to say that

How come?

MPDG fits her to the letter.

Mighty fancy indeed.

Love your handle :D

Can legs bend like that? :O


Ideally, women should have access to free abortions with no repercussions or judgement, and men should have the right to a “financial” abortion.

“It’s not your fault, mom and dad. It’s Japan’s fault!”

All the stars! :D


Could you imagine the miserable life that the child is going to have though?

Cowardice is maintaining the status quo. Cowardice is being silent about the oppression of people in SA because you benefit from their oppression. If the West - and especially the US - doesn’t speak up for those who have no voice because they’re being oppressed and silenced by a dictatorial regime, who the fuck will?

He only got grazed by the bullet.

I never said it was about me. I just said that even if you honestly believe that women in SA have a shot of gaining their rights in the next decade or two (which I do not believe) - it is undeniable that LGBT people will not get theirs as long as the Sun rises in the East.

Because it will be a very, very long time for women in SA to gain all of the rights they deserve. Perhaps I am too pessimistic, but what you see as a step forward, I see as a calculated move by the dictatorship made to appease the masses and the West. It’s merely a hollow gesture. And even if you honestly believe